Waterwatch Australia is an initiative to help us understand, monitor, care for and sustainably manage our most precious natural asset – water. It is a network of citizen scientists that monitor local waterways – it could be a creek, pond, lake, dam, wetland, lagoon or estuary.
Waterwatch programs support communities to monitor the health of waterways; to learn through environmental education, and to participate in projects to protect, rehabilitate or restore the health of our waterways.
Since it began, Waterwatch has formed partnerships with the community, government and industry to begin to sustainably address many of the issues that affect water quality and the health of our waterways.
Anybody who cares about the local environment can become a citizen scientist. The Waterwatch network is made up of individuals, community groups and school groups who regularly check their local waterways, undertake actions to help maintain good water quality, and help raise community awareness about water.